chair lift

chair lift

Navigating the slopes: Tips for using a chair lift safely

Boarding the lift

– Stand in line and wait for your turn to board the chair lift.
– When the chair approaches, sit down quickly and adjust your gear as needed.
– Keep your ski poles in your hand or strapped to your wrist to prevent dropping them.

On the ride up

– Relax and enjoy the scenic views during the ride up the mountain.
– Keep your skis or snowboard pointed straight ahead and off the ground.
– Be mindful of your surroundings and avoid swinging your legs or hitting the chair in front of you.

Exiting the lift

– As you approach the exit point, raise the safety bar if it is down.
– Keep your skis or snowboard pointed straight and prepare to stand up.
– Once at the top, quickly move away from the exit area to make room for others.

General safety tips

– Pay attention to lift operators and follow their instructions.
– Be cautious when loading and unloading, as this is when accidents can occur.
– If you need assistance, don’t be afraid to ask for help from the lift operator or a fellow skier/boarder.

By following these tips, you can safely navigate the slopes and enjoy a smooth ride on the chair lift. Stay aware of your surroundings, be courteous to others, and have fun on the mountain!